Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

A Political Issue of Concern to all Internet Users

August 26, 2008

ESchool News has posted an article that compares and contrasts McCain’s and Obama’s technology agendas.   The article explains that the two candidates agree more than they differ.  However, the two candidates do differ in their positions on Net Neutrality.  Obama supports Net Neutrality.  McCain is against.  I won’t try to tell you how to vote, but if the ability to access anything you want on the internet without impedement or additional charge from your ISP is important to you, you might want to keep this article in mind come November.

Note to Self: Druple

August 13, 2008

I need to remember to check out this Drupel thing.

Video Test

August 13, 2008

Here is a test of embedding video. This is video from Poetry Month presentation in April 2008.


August 13, 2008

One of my friends is starting a podcast.  Can that be used for a library?  What types of contect could be podcast? 

  • Childrens storyhours?
  • Author visits?
  • How to tutorials?

This is my first blog post

August 13, 2008

This is my first blog post for my Librarian 2.0 class.    I will use this to track my progress in using the various social web applications.